

时间:2023-06-03 18:39:44编辑:传奇sf小飞侠

原标题:中华豪门—小故事|拉不开的门一个小王子,住在一个宫殿里A little prince, living in a palace.那里有一扇小门There is a small door over there.。

小王子怎么拉都拉不开。The little prince couldnt pull it apart.

小王子找来仆人一起拉The little prince brought a servant to join him.仆人又找来哨兵一起拉,拉不开The servant summoned the sentry again and couldnt pull them away.。

哨兵找来队长一起拉,拉不开The sentry brought the captain along and couldnt pull them away.队长吹响了哨子,哨兵都过来了,一起拉拉不开The captain blew his whistle, and the sentinels all came over, pulling together. Unable to pull open.

哨兵找来了最最聪明的人,他把门研究了半天说:“这扇门是打不开的”The sentry found the smartest person and studied the door for a long time, saying, "This door cannot be opened."。

仆人的孩子来了,看着门说:“昨天我还开过呢”The servants child came and looked at the door, saying, "I opened it yesterday."。

仆人的孩子用手轻轻一推,The servants child gave a gentle push with his hand,门开了。The door opened.

这个故事很简单又平淡,但我想它对于我们的人生启蒙和探索都有着很强的启示它告诉我们做任何事情:This story is simple and plain, but I think it has a strong inspiration for our enlightenment and exploration in life. It tells us to do anything:。

1、不要迷信权力、力量、权威,要靠自己思考(王子代表权力,哨兵代表力量,聪明人代表智慧)1. Dont be superstitious about power, power, or authority, think on your own. (Princes represent power, sentries represent strength, and wise people represent wisdom).。

2、最复杂的问题,常常有最简单的解决方式,是人们被自己的思维惯式给骗了有时候要换个思路2. The most complex problem, often with the simplest solution, is that people are deceived by their own thinking habits. Sometimes we need to change our mindset.。
